Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"the sociopsychological analysis of folktakes" by J.L. Fisher

In the reading "The Sociopsychological Analysis of Folktales" by J. L. Fischer he said "likewise, if there are any rank differences in a society, there is generally an over-supply of tale characters who either occupy or achieve high rank, whereas the majority of the members of the society are obviously of lower rank"(239) which i didn't really understand. Is he trying to say that some myths are told more then others so some myths are more famous or is he saying the richer people tell myths to poorer people and the poorer people would make some of the myths popular because they tell everyone. 
Something interesting reading this was how folktales are influenced by technology, economy, politics, and society. People interaction and making conversations,makes folktales grow.People create folktales, but after that they expand, people tell it in all different versions. Stories being mixed up, being written, the original told myths might be lost. The folktales serve to teach lessons and to entertain, but they can also divide human cultures into a continuous expansion.

1 comment:

  1. Erica,

    I also think that its interesting that folktales are influenced by technology, economy, politics, and society.
