Monday, March 31, 2014

Latino USA: A Cartoon History by Ilan Stavans

Reading Latino USA: A Cartoon History by Ilan Stavans, I would have to disagree with Stavans when he said, "Nonsense, I say, puras tonterias. Our global culture is not about exclusion and isolation, but about cosmopolitanism (Stavans 3). He is disagree that Walts Disney is not brainwashing children's minds in Latin America, but i feel like they are not just brain washing Latin American children but also everyone who watches Disney movies. Disney inputs this ideal of romance, love and innocents in there movies that kids are so in to it that they expect this kind of romance to happen in reality. I feel like because of this they get so confused in what is reality and whats made up.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on how Disney is brainwashing children's mind not only in Latin America but everywhere.
