Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"Graphic Memoirs Come of Age" by William Bradley

I think in this text Bradley had some interesting points and he is a bit funny too.Thinking about what he said in the beginning of the text,i agree with him, he talks about how comic books later on  became like playing cards because everybody started reading comics and how all these authors who just want attention are willing to do anything to gain more audience and attention to their work. I think comic book or graphic novel now a days, do what they do not to entertain people anymore but to really just gain profit they would expand there stories just to prolong there time when people watch to gain money. Bardley mention how graphing novels aren't as illustrative in words and there is no picture illustration which makes it less interesting to read which i agree on. Just like when we were kids we tend to grab the book that has color pictures with less words then to get a book with alot of words but barley any pictures because it is not interesting, it doesn't appea to us.

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